It’s rare to hear any politician be transparent and talk good sense. Which is why I was so impressed with Canada’s first First Nations premier.
To be honest, today’s interview with the newly elected premier on CBC got me all choked up, because his words were so refreshing and honest and powerful. Wow!
Mr. Kinew pronounced the importance of rising above the negativity, noted the value of seeking unity rather than the more common divisiveness, explained plainly how he would finance affordability measures, and, last, but certainly not least, offered the panacea to rid the world of racism and discrimination.
Impressive. Here’s a formula to doing politics as it should be done.
I hope Premier Kinew will be able to keep this up and show the others that there is another way. The Good Way!
CBC Radio: The Current with Matt Galloway
Wab Kinew says his win shows Manitobans want unity
Segment 20:43
Fresh from his election win in Manitoba, NDP Leader Wab Kinew talks to Matt Galloway about becoming the first First Nations provincial leader in Canada; and delivering on campaign promises around health care, affordability and searching a landfill for two missing women.